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Wii Play: Motion to launch across Europe on June 24

By Jack Taylor – 28 April 2011

Nintendo of Europe has confirmed that Wii Play: Motion will launch across Europe on June 24.

The new MotionPlus-enabled title, which will be packaged with a red Wii Remote Plus in Europe, will come to Europe less than two weeks after its North American launch, currently planned for June 13.

Unlike the sports-based Wii Sports Resort, Wii Play: Motion instead includes twelve varying games from skipping stones to making the world's tallest ice cream.

Each game has been created by a different developer specially for the title, which allows up to four players to join in and also makes use of the Wii Remote with Wii MotionPlus combination.

The package is expected to retail for the same price as a standalone Wii Remote Plus.

Surely that's old news by now...

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