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E3: Wii Play: Motion games and developers revealed

By Jack Taylor – 14 June 2011

After being shown as one of Nintendo's flagship Wii titles at E3, the development teams behind Wii Play: Motion have been revealed.

It was revealed in April that the games in Wii Play: Motion would be developed by teams both inside Nintendo and outside, with Nintendo President Satoru Iwata stating that they would be revealed at a later date.

Following the game's showing at E3, and now that it has been released in North America, those developers have been confirmed.

While some teams, such as ARZEST (an arcade game company) and Nanpool (the team behind some of the Tingle DS games) are relatively unknown, other names will undoubtedly be recognised as iconic Japanese studios.

Chunsoft, the team behind the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games, have developed a game for Motion, as have Mitchell, the studio in charge of the Polarium series.

Nintendo themselves also developed one game, as did Prope, the developers of SEGA titles Let's Tap and Let's Catch.

Good-Feel, the team behind Kirby's Epic Yarn and Wario Land: The Shake Dimension developed two games, as did skip Ltd., the makers of the Art Style and Chibi-Robo! games.

Surely that's old news by now...

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