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Sonic Generations to be released for Nintendo 3DS

By Jack Taylor – 18 May 2011

A financial report released by SEGA's parent company has revealed that Sonic Generations will launch for the Nintendo 3DS later in the year.

The title was initially revealed for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360: however, the new report released by Sega Sammy Holdings reveals that it will also be making its way to Nintendo 3DS and PC.

In Sonic Generations, both Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic meet for the first time to challenge some of the series' most memorable stages, which can be played as 2D side-scrollers with Classic Sonic or in 3D with Modern Sonic.

The title's new platforms are expected to be revealed during E3 and the new versions could be playable as soon as June 8, where SEGA will hold a special community event for fans to play Sonic Generations.

SEGA has yet to officially comment.

Surely that's old news by now...

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