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Shigeru Miyamoto discusses new Super Mario title

By Jack Taylor – 23 April 2011

Shigeru Miyamoto has spoken for the first time about Super Mario for Nintendo 3DS and confirmed that he plans to release it this year.

Following the game's announcement at GDC earlier this year, Shigeru Miyamoto has spoken to Edge Magazine about the title.

Nintendo has already confirmed that the title is being developed by the team in charge of the two Super Mario Galaxy titles and is reminiscent of those, and another, Super Mario title.

"It's a combination of Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario on N64. It won't convey the message if I talk to you today, but if you play it at E3 that will give you more understanding of what I'm talking about ... For example, the floors floating in space: in 2D it’s difficult to judge the distance, but in 3D it’s really easy."

Despite the fact that Super Mario is developed by the same team, Miyamoto confirmed that the game is "completely original, and coming this year."

Miyamoto also discussed the tail on the game's temporary logo. Whilst Satoru Iwata said the reason would be kept secret until E3, Miyamoto was decidedly more vocal about it.

"The tail you mentioned on the logo - it's what you think it is. You probably know what's going to happen using that character."

The first footage, and the official name, of Super Mario is expected to be revealed during Nintendo's E3 presentation.

Surely that's old news by now...

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