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E3: Rhythm Heaven for Wii to be localised

By Jack Taylor – 13 June 2011

Nintendo has confirmed at E3 2011 that Rhythm Heaven for Wii will launch outside of Japan as the second game in the series internationally.

In Japan, Rhythm Heaven will be the third game in the popular series (known there as Rhythm Tengoku), and the first on Wii, when it launches on July 21.

It will be the second game in the series to launch in North America, and presumably Europe, after Rhythm Heaven (Rhythm Paradise in Europe) for the Nintendo DS.

Instead of using touch or motion controls, Rhythm Heaven for the Wii will use the A and B buttons for button presses, much like the first installment, which launched for the Game Boy Advance exclusively in Japan.

All the games included in the new installment are brand-new to the series, though Nintendo has stated that some "familiar characters" will be present.

Accurate performances will result in players being rewarded with medals and bonus content which can't be unlocked any other way.

Surely that's old news by now...

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