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E3: Nintendo shows Kid Icarus footage and AR cards

By Jack Taylor – 8 June 2011

Kid Icarus: Uprising was shown in some detail during Nintendo's E3 media presentation - including a set of new AR cards exclusively for the game.

Project's Sora's inaugural Nintendo 3DS title, Kid Icarus: Uprising, was one of Nintendo's big hitters at least year's presentation, and it received plenty of stage time at this year's as well.

Several new aspects of the gameplay were introduced, the two most notable being competitive 3-on-3 multiplayer and the use of unique new AR Cards designed specifically for the title.

While the exact purpose of the cards wasn't detailed, they can be used two at a time to allow different characters from the game to fight using Augmented Reality. The number of unique cards was not given but they are expected to be packed in with the game.


Surely that's old news by now...

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