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E3: Nintendo reveals two new downloadable titles

By Jack Taylor – 14 June 2011

Nintendo has revealed two new downloadable Nintendo 3DS titles for eShop, both of which were shown at this year's E3.

Nintendo's new eShop is a very promising new storefront indeed, and two upcoming Nintendo 3DS titles will be released exclusively via the new service, Nintendo has revealed.

The first, Picture Lives!, lets players create their own characters using shapes, giving them their own characteristics besides their design.

Characters can then travel through a modifiable game world, collecting food and money which will let them unlock new customisation tools and other bonus content.

The second title, The Rolling Western, is an part-action, part-strategy Western-themed title, though very little is known about it other than what can be seen in the first footage and screenshots.


Surely that's old news by now...

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