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E3: Nintendo reveals overhauls in Star Fox 64 3D

By Jack Taylor – 13 June 2011

New details have been revealed for Star Fox 64 3D, showing the extent to which the original game has been remastered.

Not much has been seen of Star Fox 64 3D so far, but it was confirmed at Nintendo's E3 2011 media presentation that it would launch in North America this September.

The game's fact sheet confirmed it would launch on Sunday, September 11, though Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime stated "September" only during the presentation, perhaps due to the reaction the selected date may have brought.

Star Fox 64 3D will provide players with two control methods: the Nintendo 64 Mode uses buttons only whilst the Nintendo 3DS Mode makes use of the system's gyroscope to pilot the Arwing.

While the game doesn't support online play, local multiplayer for up to four players (using just one game card) is available, as are revamped battle stages with new items and weapons.

Players' faces are also put into the action using the front-facing camera, to see their reactions while playing the game.

Star Fox 3D remains undated in Europe, though will launch this year.

Surely that's old news by now...

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