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Nintendo bringing Inazuma Eleven to UK and Ireland

By Jack Taylor – 26 July 2011

LEVEL-5's football-themed RPG, Inazuma Eleven, will launch in the UK and Ireland next month, Nintendo announces.

Described by Nintendo of Europe as "football meets action roleplay", Inazuma Eleven for the Nintendo DS family of systems will launch in the UK and Ireland on 26 August.

The game was made available across Europe earlier this year, with some copies being released in the UK and Ireland prematurely before being recalled by Nintendo.

In the game, a young footballer called Mark is recruiting team members for the school football team - with over a thousand in-game players to chose from as well as dozens more when connected to the internet.

The series is highly popular in Japan and Inazuma Eleven has receive praise from both Japanese and European media outlets since its release.

You can read the full press release from Nintendo of Europe below.

Surely that's old news by now...

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