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E3: Nintendo announces two Super Smash Bros. titles

By Jack Taylor – 8 June 2011

Two Super Smash Bros. titles are planned for future development, it has been announced - one for Nintendo 3DS and one for Wii U.

Speaking at Nintendo's E3 2011 media presentation, Nintendo President Satoru Iwata revealed that two separate titles in the Super Smash Bros. series are planned.

While the two titles would be released separately, he said, they would be completely compatible with one another.

Masahire Sakurai, head of Project Sora and the director of Super Smash Bros. Brawl, took to Twitter shortly after the presentation to confirm that development had not started, and would not start until the team's latest project, Kid Icarus: Uprising, was complete.

He also expressed his belief that, at such an early stage, the games should not have been announced.

No further details on the games were made available.

Surely that's old news by now...

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