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Level-5 files trademark for fourth Professor Layton title

By Jack Taylor – 27 May 2011

Level-5 has filed a trademark for the North American name of the fourth Professor Layton title for the Nintendo DS.

Though the title has not yet been officially announced, a trademark has been filed for Professor Layton and the Last Specter.

The game first launched in Japan back in 2009 as The Specter's Flute and is the last in the series for the Nintendo DS.

Professor Layton games have featured in Nintendo's E3 lineups since 2009, when Pandora's Box was first revealed and confirmed to launch later that year.

Last year's presentation revealed two titles - DS title The Lost Future and the series' 3DS debut in the form of The Mask of Miracle - though the latter is not expected to launch in North America and Europe for some time.

Surely that's old news by now...

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